Can Neck Adjustments Help With Migraine?

Headache is just like our constant companion. The reasons for occurring change with people, and that particular form gets a name. Migraine headache is a very common headache issue that many of us have. This headache can be caused due to several reasons that include hormonal changes, excessive stress, sensory stimulation, weather changes, physical factors etc. Chiropractic care has the potential to relieve pain. With several techniques, an experienced chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais can alleviate the symptoms of migraine headaches. There is an argument about whether Neck adjustments can help with Migraine headaches.

Before delving into that discussion, you must understand Neck adjustment. Neck adjustments, also known as cervical manipulations, are a popular form of chiropractic treatment. It is a technique that involves using quick, thrusting movements to adjust the neck joints. Some people believe that these adjustments can help with migraines, but the evidence is mixed, and there are potential risks associated with this type of treatment.

If you want chiropractic treatment for reducing headaches, contact Elevation Health in Canada. Here you can contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He can offer you the best chiropractic treatment based on your needs ensuring satisfactory results.

Here are some points to consider when it comes to neck adjustments and migraine treatment:-

  1. The science behind the treatment
  2. Results of effectivity according to Research
  3. Risks associated
  4. Other effective treatments
  5. Require Sufficient Evidence 

The science behind the treatment:

Tension in the neck muscles and misalignment of the vertebrae can contribute to migraine headaches. Chiropractic techniques like neck adjustments help to correct these issues. Migraine symptoms may be reduced or eliminated by these effects. 

Results of effectivity according to Research:

A few research studies have stated that neck adjustments may be effective for reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches. In the year 2011, a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that chiropractic adjustments have the potential to significantly reduce migraine frequency and duration.

If you want fruitful chiro care in Canada, Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He can offer you noticeable services at an affordable price.   

Risks associated:

However, there are also risks associated with neck adjustments, particularly if they are performed by someone who is not properly trained. In rare cases, these risks include nerve damage, stroke, and even death. So it is obvious to opt for a well-trained chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais. 

Other effective treatments:

Other treatments for migraines, such as medication, lifestyle changes, and other forms of therapy, may be more effective and carry fewer risks than neck adjustments. It is vital to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment per your needs.


Require Sufficient Evidence:

More in-depth and high-quality evidence is needed to establish that neck adjustments are a fruitful migraine treatment. Some studies have not found any significant difference between chiropractic adjustments and placebo treatments, while others have found only limited benefits. 

Closing Line

There’s undeniable evidence to suggest that neck adjustments may be helpful for migraines, but there are also potential risks associated with this type of treatment. It’s crucial to seek healthcare provider advice before opting for Neck adjustments of migraine treatment. To get effective chiropractic care for any kind of headache issue, you may contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. Reach out to Elevation Health for expert consultation.