If you opt to take Chiropractic Care to treat headaches, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Common health problems like headaches can cause anything from minor discomfort to incapacitating pain. While many people seek pain treatment from over-the-counter painkillers, these frequently only offer a momentary reprieve without treating the underlying problems. Chiropractic Care can provide a natural and comprehensive approach to controlling and treating headaches. But you must opt for an expert and experienced chiro to get effective treatment. If you are looking for a Chiropractor Near Me, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He is an experienced chiro and can offer you the best-fit chiro care evaluating your needs and requirements.

Numerous factors, such as tension, stress, bad posture, spinal misalignments, muscle tightness, and others, can cause headaches. By producing discomfort, sensitivity to light and sound, and even nausea, they can substantially negatively influence a person’s quality of life. Chiropractic Treatment seeks to locate the root causes of headaches and offer efficient, long-lasting relief.

Let’s see how chiro care benefit people in healing headache:-

  1. Spinal Alignment
  2. Muscle Relaxation
  3. Posture Correction
  4. Stress Reduction
  5. Individualised Treatment Plans 

Spinal Alignment:

Chiropractic care connects the spine and the nerve system (spinal alignment). They adjust the spine to address misalignments or subluxations, often in the neck and upper back. These misalignments can result in blood flow restrictions, nerve discomfort, and muscle strain, contributing to headaches. Chiropractic therapy can relieve tension and lessen headache frequency and intensity by realigning the spine. 

Muscle Relaxation: 

Relax your muscles. Headaches can result from tense neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. To release muscle tension, encourage relaxation, and lessen headache-related suffering, chiropractors use a variety of treatments, such as massage, stretching, and trigger point therapy. Chiropractic Care helps to relieve headache symptoms and stop the recurrence of headaches by relieving muscle tension. You must contact any expert chiro to get effective care and the best-ever chiropractic treatment to heal any kind of headache.

If you are looking for a Chiropractor Near Me, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He has profound knowledge and can provide you with the best care. 

Posture Correction:

Tension headaches can be exacerbated by poor posture, such as rounded shoulders or a forward-facing head position. Chiropractors offer stretches and exercises to build supporting muscles and advice on improving posture. Chiropractic therapy lowers muscle tension by addressing postural imbalances and aids in the prevention of headaches brought on by bad posture. 

Stress Reduction:

Tension headaches are significantly exacerbated by stress. Chiropractic care adopts a comprehensive approach, considering both physical and mental wellness. Chiropractors may suggest dietary counselling, lifestyle changes, and stress management strategies to lower stress levels and enhance general health. Chiropractic therapy can lessen tension headache frequency and intensity by managing stress. 

Individualized Treatment Plans:

Chiropractic therapy understands that every person experiences headaches differently. Chiropractors conduct thorough evaluations to pinpoint each patient’s unique causes and contributing elements. This individualized method enables the creation of therapy regimens that specifically target the root causes of headaches. Chiropractic treatment offers long-lasting comfort and aids in preventing new headaches by addressing the underlying causes. 


Chiropractic Care offers a holistic and natural approach to headache management that goes beyond merely hiding the symptoms with painkillers. Chiropractors offer reliable and long-lasting headache relief by concentrating on spinal alignment, muscular relaxation, posture correction, stress reduction, and individualized treatment regimens. Consider visiting a chiropractor if you experience regular or persistent headaches to learn more about the advantages of chiropractic care and to take a proactive step towards a life free from the control of headaches. If you are looking for a Chiropractor Near Me, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Headaches are a debilitating problem for many individuals worldwide. There are specific triggers that can be avoided to reduce these episodes, says Dr Brian Nantais.

Chronic headaches can significantly impact one’s quality of life, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting. They can hinder productivity, cause discomfort, and create a constant sense of unease. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic and a leading expert at the Elevation Health clinic in Canada, understands the debilitating effects of chronic headaches and aims to help patients overcome them. This blog will explore some common triggers of chronic headaches and discuss effective strategies to avoid them.

  1. Poor Posture
  2. Dehydration
  3. Stress and Anxiety
  4. Lack of Sleep
  5. Dietary Triggers
  6. Eye Strain
  7. Environmental Factors

Poor Posture:

Poor posture is a prevalent trigger for chronic headaches. Many people spend hours hunched over desks or slouched in front of screens, placing excessive strain on the neck and upper back. This strain can cause tension headaches and migraines. To combat this, Dr Brian Nantais advises maintaining proper posture throughout the day. Sit up straight, align your shoulders with your ears, and ensure your workspace is ergonomically designed to support a neutral spine position.


Dehydration is often overlooked as a potential cause of headaches. When the body lacks sufficient hydration, blood vessels in the brain can constrict, leading to throbbing headaches. Make it a habit to drink adequate water throughout the day. Keeping a reusable water bottle nearby and setting reminders can help ensure you stay properly hydrated.

Stress and Anxiety:

Headaches that last for a long time are often caused by stress and anxiety. When you are feeling anxious, your body will produce hormones that can create muscle tension and result in a headache. To reduce tension and alleviate headache symptoms, it can be helpful to use techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or exercising regularly.

Lack of Sleep:

Sleep deprivation can exacerbate chronic headaches. Poor or inadequate sleep can disrupt the body’s natural rhythm, increasing headache frequency and intensity. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and ensuring your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to quality rest are essential to managing headaches.

Dietary Triggers:

Certain foods and beverages are notorious for triggering headaches. Common culprits include caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, aged cheeses, artificial sweeteners, and food additives like MSG. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can also help prevent headaches.

Eye Strain:

Extended periods of staring at screens or reading without breaks can strain the eyes and contribute to headaches. This is known as computer vision syndrome. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic advises following the 20-20-20 rule which is – every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on an object 20 feet away.

Environmental Factors:

Environmental triggers, such as strong odours, bright lights, and loud noises, can initiate headaches in susceptible individuals. Identifying and minimizing exposure to these triggers can make a significant difference. Wear sunglasses or earplugs to reduce the impact of bright lights or loud sounds if necessary. Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques in a quiet, dimly lit room can help alleviate headache symptoms.


Chronic headaches can be challenging to manage, but you can take control of your symptoms by identifying and avoiding common triggers. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic strongly believes that by implementing these lifestyle changes and seeking professional guidance at the Elevation Health Clinic in Canada, you can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of chronic headaches.

Looking for a Chiropractor Near Me in Canada? Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

An all-encompassing and non-invasive method of treating tension headaches is Chiropractic Treatment. Since misalignments or imbalances in the spine can cause various health problems, including tension headaches, chiropractors concentrate on the connection between the spine and the neurological system. But to get effective Chiro Care, you must connect with any repeat Chiropractor Near Me, like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Let’s focus on the ways of treating headaches with chiro care:-

  1. Initial Evaluation
  2. Spinal Adjustment
  3. Techniques for Muscle Release
  4. Advice on Posture and Ergonomics
  5. Nutritional and lifestyle counselling
  6. Collaborative Care
  7. Long-Term Maintenance 

Initial Evaluation:

A chiropractor will start your appointment for tension headaches with a thorough evaluation. It may entail discussing your health history, way of life, and any identifiable trends or triggers for your headaches. The chiropractor will also do a physical examination, who will pay particular attention to your spine, posture, and muscular tension. 

Spinal Adjustment:

Spinal manipulation, often known as spinal adjustment, is one of the main chiropractic treatment methods. The chiropractor will treat your spine’s misaligned or limited movement areas using their hands or specialized tools with controlled and mild force. This adjustment seeks to improve your nervous system’s overall performance, ease muscle tension, and restore normal alignment. 

Techniques for Muscle Release:

The neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles are frequently strained, contributing to tension headaches. Chiropractors use numerous muscle-release techniques to reduce muscle tension and encourage relaxation. It could involve applying pressure to trigger points to loosen tight muscles, stretching exercises, or targeted massage.

If you opt for a Chiropractor Near Me in Canada to relieve tension or headaches, connect with Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed, experienced Chiropractor at Elevation Health and can offer you the best treatment. 

Advice on Posture and Ergonomics:

Ergonomics and posture have a role in tension headaches. Chiropractor will evaluate your posture and offer advice on improving it at work and during daily activities. They might advise changing how your workplace is set up, offer exercises to build stronger support muscles, or advise you on good body mechanics to avoid strain on your neck and shoulders. 

Nutritional and lifestyle counselling:

Chiropractors know how lifestyle choices can affect general health, including tension headaches. They might advise on coping with stress, relaxation techniques, and methods to get better sleep. Additionally, they could offer nutritional guidance, recommending dietary modifications or supplements that can improve your general well-being and lessen the frequency of your headaches. 

Collaborative Care:

Chiropractors frequently collaborate with other medical specialists to provide complete care for tension headaches. They could work with medical professionals, physical therapists, or massage therapists to ensure a multidisciplinary approach catered to your unique needs. This cooperative approach makes a more comprehensive and integrated treatment plan possible. 

Long-Term Maintenance:

Chiropractic Care for tension headaches focuses on long-term maintenance and quick relief. A periodic check-up and adjustment by a chiropractor may be advised to keep your spine in proper alignment and function and ward off potential headaches. They may also regularly provide exercise and self-care tips to manage stress, keep a straight spine, and reduce muscle tension. 

Closing Line

Even though chiropractic care has helped many people with tension headaches, results may differ depending on the person and the underlying causes of their headaches. It’s safe to consult with any Best Chiropractor Near Me. In this regard, you can contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Don’t ignore your repetitive headaches and seek the best Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada. Contact us now.

There are hardly any people in this world who do not suffer from headaches. Headaches are a prevalent condition that can cause pain and discomfort. Sometimes, such pain becomes intolerable, and people search for treatment to ease the pain. But many people tend to ignore their repetitive headaches. It can be dangerous for their health. If you are among those people, you must seek treatment. Chiropractic Treatment from Nantais Family Chiropractic can help you in this regard.

Ignoring repetitive headaches can have various consequences, both in terms of immediate discomfort and potential long-term implications. So the best choice would be to visit  Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for a safe and effective headache treatment. At Nantais Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors can address the root cause of your headache and provide you with the best possible treatment to ease your pain. If you are considering why you must not ignore your repetitive headache, read the following discussion.

  1. Increased Pain and Discomfort
  2. Impaired Daily Functioning
  3. Reduced Productivity
  4. Emotional Distress
  5. Underlying Health Conditions
  6. Progression to Chronic Migraines

Increased Pain and Discomfort:

Ignoring repetitive headaches leads to an escalation in pain and discomfort. What may initially be a mild headache can intensify and become more frequent over time. Ignoring the pain becomes more difficult to manage and may require more aggressive treatment options later on. If you want to prevent the severity and frequency of your headache, please contact Dr Brian Nantais at Nantais Family Chiropractic, Canada.

Impaired Daily Functioning:

Persistent headaches can significantly impact daily functioning. They can interfere with concentration, productivity, and overall quality of life. Ignoring the headaches may result in difficulty performing routine tasks, engaging in work or school activities, or enjoying social interactions.

Reduced Productivity:

Repetitive headaches can cause decreased productivity at work or school. The pain and associated symptoms, such as sensitivity to light or sound, can make it challenging to focus and perform optimally. Ignoring the headaches may lead to decreased work performance, missed deadlines, and reduced academic achievements.

Emotional Distress:

Chronic headaches can have a significant emotional impact. Individuals may experience frustration, irritability, anxiety, or even depression due to the constant pain and discomfort. Ignoring the headaches can exacerbate these emotional distresses, affecting overall mental well-being and potentially straining personal relationships.

Underlying Health Conditions:

Repetitive headaches could be a symptom of an underlying health condition that needs attention. Ignoring the headaches may delay diagnosis and appropriate treatment of the underlying cause. It is important to investigate the root cause of the headaches to address any potential health concerns promptly. That is why it is important to consult a Chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais for the best headache treatment.

Progression to Chronic Migraines:

Ignoring repetitive headaches can increase the risk of their progression to chronic migraines. Chronic migraines are characterized by frequent, severe headaches that last for hours or even days. Ignoring these symptoms can pose safety risks, especially while driving or operating machinery. Early intervention and appropriate management can help prevent the development of chronic migraines.

Wrap up

It is crucial not to ignore repetitive headaches and instead seek medical advice to identify the underlying cause and explore suitable treatment options. If you want a non-surgical and effective headache treatment, choose Chiropractic Care from Elevation Health, Canada. Reach out to our best chiro, Dr Brian Nantais, today for the best possible help.

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic from the Elevation Health clinic in Canada mentions some bad habits which contribute to headaches.

Headaches can be debilitating and greatly affect our quality of life. While chiropractic care, such as that provided by Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health Clinic, can offer effective relief, it’s essential to address the root causes of headaches.  

Some people are often skeptical of the effectiveness of Chiropractic Care. The treatment will be effective and safe only if you get it from an expert. If you are looking to get relief from pain disorders such as headaches you must visit the Elevation Health clinic based in Canada to get diagnosed and consult the highly experienced chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic.

In this blog, we’ll discuss some common bad habits that contribute to headache episodes and provide tips to help you eliminate them.

  1. Poor Posture
  2. Lack of Regular Exercise
  3. Dehydration
  4. Irregular Sleeping Patterns
  5. Skipping Meals
  6. Excessive Screen Time
  7. Stress and Anxiety
  8. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Poor Posture:

Slouching and maintaining poor posture can strain the muscles in your neck and upper back, leading to tension headaches. Practice good posture by sitting and standing with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and chin slightly tucked in.

Lack of Regular Exercise:

Sedentary lifestyles and also a lack of physical activity can contribute to muscle tension, stiffness, and headaches. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as walking, jogging, yoga, or cycling, to improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension.


Dehydration can trigger headaches, so it’s crucial to drink sufficient amount of water everyday. Aim to consume a minimum of eight glasses of water daily and increase your intake during hot weather or intense physical activity.

Irregular Sleeping Patterns:

Lack of quality sleep or irregular sleep patterns can trigger migraines or tension headaches. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and establish a relaxing bedtime routine to promote better sleep.

Skipping Meals:

Skipping meals or irregular eating patterns can lead to low blood sugar, triggering headaches. Maintain a balanced diet and eat regular meals to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent headaches.

Excessive Screen Time:

 Prolonged exposure to screens, such as computers, smartphones, and televisions, can strain your eyes and contribute to tension headaches. Take regular breaks, practice the 20-20-20 rule (every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds), and limit screen time to reduce the risk of headaches.

Stress and Anxiety:

 Emotional stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension and contribute to headaches. Practice stress management techniques such as exercises, meditation, yoga, deep breathing or engaging in hobbies to reduce stress levels.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption:

 Alcohol can cause dehydration, trigger migraines, and worsen headaches. Limit your alcohol intake, stay hydrated, and be mindful of your body’s response to alcoholic beverages.

Final Words

People with the above bad habits are likelier to have a comparatively higher number of headache episodes. You must consult an expert like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic if your headaches have turned chronic. Take an appointment at the Elevation Health Clinic in Canada and get better.

If you are struggling with headache or migraine, please contact  Dr Brian Nantais at  Elevation Health, Canada for the best Chiropractic Care.

Headaches and migraines are painful and uncomfortable. Living with any of these problems might make you feel pessimistic and, in the worst case, render you unable to perform basic tasks. Medication may be helpful, but when the issue is persistent or recurrent, these are typically insufficient. Your headaches and migraines typically have a structural cause, so getting the proper care will help you eliminate this crippling condition. You might find the remedy you’re looking for at our Chiropractic Care from Dr Brian Nantais at  Elevation Health, Canada.

Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic is a reputed chiropractor who can effectively address the underlying causes of headaches and migraines and alleviate the pain and discomfort. If you struggle with headaches, get our Chiro treatment now to ease your pain and discomfort.

Now let’s dive into the detailed discussion:-

  1. Headaches and migraine
  2. Chiropractic treatment for headaches and migraine

Headaches and migraine:

The cause may be a structural problem if you experience a constant headache or severe migraine symptoms, such as noise and light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, depression, and irritability. Developmental problems, trauma, repetitive stress, and other events can cause the spine to migrate out of place, putting pressure on the nearby nerves. The nerves tell the back, neck, and jaw muscles to contract when they are pinched or irritated.

A severe headache or migraine may directly result from this tension. Your bones may become out of alignment due to the tightness over time, resulting in longer headaches and migraines. Since your spine health affects every other system in your body, it is crucial to address any problems as soon as they manifest. A headache or migraine may indicate that deeper spinal issues are developing.

Chiropractic treatment for headaches and migraine:

Headaches and migraines have long been successfully treated by chiropractic therapy. Chiropractors at Elevation Health, Canada, have in-depth knowledge of minor problems affecting the spine, frequently the source of pain because of its relationship to the nervous system. The initial stage of Chiropractic Treatment is a thorough evaluation that rules out any further possible headache causes and looks for spinal misalignments.

The evaluation will identify the precise treatment required for the unique problem at the source of the discomfort. A skilled chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais can adjust the spine using delicate, non-invasive techniques that, despite their subtlety, can bring about virtually immediate relief and improve your long-term health. In contrast to medications that just address the symptoms on the surface and offer transient relief, a Chiropractic Adjustment can address the underlying cause of your headache or migraine and deliver long-lasting outcomes that will improve your quality of life.

The Closure

If you visit  Nantais Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors might be able to use spinal adjustments to treat your headache or migraines. You may eliminate your migraines with a thorough treatment strategy while reducing difficulties and adverse effects. Your overall quality of life may significantly improve after receiving Chiropractic Care for headaches and migraines. Therefore, get in touch with Elevation Health, Canada, immediately if you’re looking for someone to assist you with your migraine headaches. We’re here to help you!

Headaches can be due to several reasons, including environmental triggers, but one cause in highlight these days is an unhealthy diet, says Dr Brian Nantais.

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often takes precedence over health, it is crucial to address the impact of diet on various aspects of our well-being. Among the many potential consequences of an unhealthy diet, headaches have emerged as a significant concern, particularly among youngsters. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats young patients complaining of chronic headaches on a daily basis at the Elevation Health clinic.

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic helps patients with all kinds of pain disorders including headaches with his Chiropractic expertise. Chiropractic Treatment has always been regarded as an excellent remedy for pain management. You can also visit the clinic to get a proper diagnosis, determine the causes and triggers and seek proper treatment from our expert.

This blog aims to explore the relationship between an unhealthy diet and its potential role as a trigger for headaches in young individuals.

  1. Understanding Headaches
  2. Unhealthy Diet and Headaches
  3. Identifying Potential Culprits
  4. Promoting a Healthy Diet

Understanding Headaches:

Headaches are a common ailment that can affect people of all ages. They can be caused by various factors, such as stress, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, and dietary choices. While the exact mechanisms linking diet and headaches are not yet fully understood, several studies suggest that certain food items or dietary patterns can act as potential triggers.

Unhealthy Diet and Headaches:

An unhealthy diet characterized by excessive consumption of processed foods, refined sugars, caffeine, artificial additives, and high-fat content has been associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing headaches. Such dietary choices can lead to imbalances in blood sugar levels, hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation within the body, all of which are known to contribute to the development of headaches. Additionally, dehydration, which is commonly associated with a poor diet, can also trigger headaches in susceptible individuals.

Identifying Potential Culprits:

While specific triggers may vary from person to person, certain food items have been commonly linked to headaches in youngsters. These include processed meats, aged cheeses, chocolate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial sweeteners, and alcoholic beverages. It is important to note that the impact of these foods on headaches can differ among individuals, with some being more sensitive to certain substances than others. Keeping a food diary and noting any headaches that occur after consuming specific items can help identify potential triggers for individual cases.

Promoting a Healthy Diet:

Encouraging youngsters to adopt a healthy diet can play a crucial role in managing headaches. Emphasising whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the necessary nutrients and minimise potential triggers. Adequate hydration is also vital, as dehydration can exacerbate headache symptoms. Furthermore, establishing regular eating patterns, avoiding skipping meals, and reducing the intake of processed and sugary foods can contribute to overall well-being. One can also take regular Chiropractic sessions to boost the results from a healthy diet.

Bottom Line

Chronic headaches must not be neglected as there can be several underlying causes that can be only identified by an expert like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic with his years of experience. Visit the Elevation Health clinic today to get relief quickly.

If you are planning to take chiro care to treat your headaches, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Whatever work you do, you need to do it with proper concentration. Until you properly focus on the job, you will not be able to complete it correctly. Sometimes headaches become the biggest villain to hinder the process. Now, There are different kinds of headaches, and they can be caused due to various types of reasons. Whatever the reason is, a headache is always disturbing and distracting. Even daily headaches are the most irritating thing to anybody. There are different treatments to deal with headaches. Several medications are also there to treat these issues. But Chiropractic care is said to be another effective way to treat headache issues. Expert Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais can give you the best treatment to get over this problem.

Though every individual’s situation is unique, a chiropractor’s approach may vary depending on the underlying cause of the headache and the patient’s specific needs. It’s always best to consult with a licensed chiropractor to discuss your particular situation. If you are experiencing daily headaches and want a chiro for consultation, then reach out to Elevation Health. Here you can get to consult a reputed Chiro, Dr Brian Nantais, from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He can give you the best treatment ever based on your needs.

There are some potential ways a chiropractor may help deal with daily headaches:-

  1. Spinal manipulation can alleviate pain
  2. Posture correction
  3. Soft tissue therapy
  4. Lifestyle modifications
  5. Referral to other healthcare providers

Spinal manipulation can alleviate pain:

Chiropractors often use spinal manipulation, or adjustments, to improve spinal function and alleviate pain. By adjusting the spine, they can relieve tension in the neck and upper back that may be contributing to headaches.

Posture correction:

Poor posture can contribute to headaches, primarily if the head is frequently held in a forward position. Chiropractors can assess a patient’s posture and provide recommendations for correcting any imbalances or misalignments that may be contributing to headaches.

In case you are also facing headache issues and want to fix it with chiro care, then you must contact an experienced chiro like Dr Brian Nantais. He one-handedly led the Nantais Family Chiropractic. He has a professional team who assists him in providing good chiro care. To get his consultation, reach out to Elevation Health.

Soft tissue therapy:

In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors may use soft tissue therapy to address tension and tightness in the muscles around the neck and shoulder areas. This may involve techniques such as massage, trigger point therapy, or stretching exercises.

Lifestyle modifications:

Chiropractors may also provide guidance on lifestyle modifications that can help alleviate headaches. This may include advice on nutrition, exercise, stress management techniques, and ergonomic adjustments in the workplace.

Referral to other healthcare providers:

If a chiropractor suspects that an underlying medical condition is contributing to a patient’s headaches, they may refer the patient to another healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.


A chiropractor’s approach to dealing with daily headaches may involve a combination of these techniques tailored to each patient’s individual needs. If you’re experiencing daily headaches, it’s vital to consult with a healthcare provider to develop an effective treatment plan. In that case, you can contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic to experience the best ever treatment to get rid of headache issues. Get in touch with Elevation Health to catch him.

Seeking immediate Headache Treatment? Reach out to us at the Nantais Family Chiropractic care today!

During the earlier days, a whole lot of people came up with various kinds of worrying signs. Basically, with the changing phase, a number of things have been sorted. One crucial facet remains that earlier, the majority of people who suffered from various kinds of difficulties belonged to a slightly older group. Now, even the younger ones tend to exhibit a lot of worrying signs. They frequently suffer from neck pain, knee pain, muscle cramps and other related issues. One thing which is never far-fetched yet receives less attention is the notion of headaches. For the best Headache Treatment, you must at once require the assistance of a proper Walk In Chiropractor. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care can truly guide you through this.

In a nutshell, nobody wants to get up on a Monday morning and face the Monday morning blues. You can actually treat your headache issues if you just pay a little attention to what our expert Dr Brian Nantais seems to be suggesting.

Let us now try to study the subject in a detailed manner and see how possible results emerge:

  1. No matter what your first priority is to opt for the right clinic
  2. Why should you have a word with a stalwart?
  3. What are the various causes of headaches?
  4. Types of headaches
  5. How can a Chiro offer you help?

No matter what your first priority is to opt for the right clinic:

It is no secret that headache is a common cause of worry today. Keeping this in mind, a lot of Chiropractic Care clinics have almost started functioning in and around the city. You must essentially opt for the right Chiropractic Care clinic. Rely on the Nantais Family Chiropractic care to treat your headaches instantly.

Why should you have a word with a stalwart?

Dr Brian Nantais of the Elevation Health clinic rightly points out certain notions. When it is a matter related to your health, you just cannot afford to take it in a casual manner. On any given day, talking to an experienced Chiro or a stalwart will definitely hold the edge.

What are the various causes of headaches?

Believe it or not, lifestyle change is a primary factor behind something like headaches. If you consume a lot of nicotine or alcohol, this could be a possible factor. Other factors include a lack of a proper sleep schedule, environmental factors as well as genetic factors. The oft-neglected issue is that with stress, it becomes another primary factor.

Types of headaches:

Dr Brian Nantais rightly points out that, realistically speaking, a major percentage of people tend to suffer from the cruel pangs of headaches. Some of the major and more frequent types of headaches are as follows: Tension Headaches, Hormone Headaches, Cluster Headaches, Sinus Headaches, Exertion Headaches, Migraines as well as Hypertension Headaches.

How can a Chiro offer you help?

A Chiro will basically help you through various kinds of manual techniques. Dr Brian Nantais observes that in the case of Chiropractic Treatment, you don’t have to rely on any kind of medicine or surgery. 

Bottom Line

If you have been making frantic searches, such as – Chiropractor Near Me or are looking for a Walk In Chiropractor, we urge you to connect with us at the Nantais Family Chiropractic Care, based in Canada, where we have someone like Dr Brian Nantais at the helm of affairs.

If you are experiencing a headache, you could ask for assistance and insight from Dr Brian Nantais and his dedicated team at the Nantais Family Chiropractic centre.

Given the fast-paced nature of lifestyle today, many people suffer from headaches. Under no circumstances whatsoever you may avoid or take it casually. Or else, you could suffer more because of your headaches. Because of professional work stress or personal relationships – having a bad headache can impact your daily life. But, do not simply worry. Canada based Dr Brian Nantais and his expert team at the Nantais Family Chiropractic centre are here to offer you every possible help. If patients take precautions at the earliest stage, it will only help them. Chiropractic experts at Elevation Health are always ready to offer you simple, easy to follow solutions. 

Here are a few points that will help you to know more about this dreaded condition :

  1. How frequent are headaches?
  2. What are the types of headaches?
  3. What are the causes of headaches?
  4. How are headaches treated easily?

How frequent are headaches?

If you feel you are having pain or ache in your head – you may be experiencing a headache. Studies suggest that 75% of people worldwide may experience a bad headache at any time of the day, and headaches are frequent in the morning. Dr Brian Nantais at the Nantais Family Chiropractic centre offers essential inputs. Dr Brian Nantais says that having a headache can eventually lead you to experience anxious moments or even a chronic disease like depression.

What are the types of headaches?

Different types of headaches can impact an individual’s life. They are primary and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are those which are due to a lack of medical conditions. Primary headaches include the likes of migraines, tension headaches, or cluster headaches. People may also experience continuous pain, termed New Daily Persistent Headaches (NDPH). At the same time, secondary headaches are related to any medical condition. Secondary headaches could also mean continuous headaches after experiencing a traumatic event or headaches due to hypertension. Or any head injury or infection. If you follow experts at Elevation Health, your headache might heal within hours.

What are the causes of headaches?

When you are experiencing a headache, an unknown process affects your muscles, blood vessels and your head. Headaches are often triggered due to this. 

How are headaches treated easily?

Dr Brian Nantais offers the best possible help about how your headaches could be treated in a hassle-free way. First, you must identify what triggers your headache. You must understand the fact that not every kind of headache requires you to take medicines. There are ample types of chiropractic techniques at the Nantais Family Chiropractic centre in Canada that suggest you take help to reduce your headaches. There are different types of stress-management strategies that will help you get rid of headaches.

The Final Words

When you face issues, you could always ask for help from experts at Elevation Health. With tons of experience, Dr Brian Nantais heading a dedicated team at the Nantais Family Chiropractic centre in Canada, is always available to offer you valuable insight.

Dr Brian Nantais is a chiropractor of Elevation Health in Canada. He discusses how chiropractic care can treat migraines. Contact us for more.

Dr Brian Nantais is a chiropractor of Elevation Health in Canada. He discusses how chiropractic care can treat migraines. Contact us for more.

How to know if you have a migraine?

Migraine is a type of headache that can get overwhelmingly painful. It has different symptoms than other types of headaches. It is common in individuals in the age group of teenagers to their 30s. If you have the symptoms of a migraine you must take immediate treatment. So, Dr Brian Nantais suggests that you seek the treatment of a chiropractor from a reputed clinic. You can also visit Elevation Health in Canada and get treated by the Nantais family chiropractic doctors.

The symptoms of migraines are as follows:

  1. Highly sensitive to intense lights, sounds, and smells
  2. Blurred vision and blind spots due to a tremendous headache
  3. Vomiting tendency
  4. Excessive throbbing pain, generally in one side of the head
  5. Mood swings like depression, anxiety, and getting cranky
  6. Loss of appetite or constipation

You can experience other symptoms as well. So, if you face any kind of discomfort related to this, don’t delay. Visit a chiropractor as soon as possible. The best thing is, if your condition is not within the scope of chiropractic, a reputed chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais will refer you to the kind of treatment you really need.

The benefits of chiropractic care in migraines:

The main sign of this neurological condition is a pushing pain in the forehead. Unfortunately, it does not have any cure. But, chiropractic care is the best way with which you can manage this pain. There are many ways how chiropractic care by a well known professional like the Nantais family chiropractic doctor can benefit you.

  1. Your pain and discomfort reduces to a great extent with chiropractic care.
  2. The chiropractor detects the main cause of the migraine. So, the care relieves you of the root problem.
  3. It also decreases the inflammation.
  4. You are relieved of all the stress issues and tension problems that may be causing you migraines
  5. Your physical function and strength increases.

How does the chiropractor treat your headache?

Chiropractors treat mainly your nervous system and spine. The chiropractic treatment improves your blood flow. This enhances your health, overall. Specially, if you see a reputed chiropractor like the Nantais family chiropractic doctors, you will notice the results from the first day itself. The gentle treatment of chiropractic does not involve the use of drugs or surgeries. This is a treatment that has no known side effects and is natural.

The pain management process of chiropractic treatment involves realignments and manipulations. Your joints start working better, and your spine health improves. The chronic inflammation in your body reduces. In fact, the proper circulation of blood enables the central nervous system. This works great in preventing migraines.

Chiropractic care does not only treat your health conditions. It also protects you from many diseases. Since it builds immunity, you can be sure that the risks of suffering from disorders will decrease a great deal.


Migraines can cause a lot of discomfort in your life. It can come in various phases. However, you may not have signs of all the phases. If you are suffering from the symptoms, visit a chiropractor soon. You can also visit Elevation Health in Canada, where our expert chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais will perform the best chiropractic treatment. Contact us!

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada tells us about the various types of headaches and their symptoms. Seek chiropractic care for treating headaches.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada tells us about the various types of headaches and their symptoms. Seek chiropractic care for treating headaches.

Suffering from a headache?

Headaches are the worst, and we know that! And for treating them, you don’t always need to rely on medicines. Dr Brian Nantais and his team of professionals of the Nantais family chiropractic suggest that you should undergo a non-invasive therapy such as chiropractic care. Medications may only treat the symptoms. They may not go deep into the cause of the headache. So, you must seek for a treatment that is more extensive, like chiropractic care from Elevation health in Canada.

A chiropractor is an expert in performing cervical manipulations. This relieves the tension in the muscle of the back, neck and shoulders. In fact, this is often the cause of headaches. Also, spine misalignments can also disrupt the nerves that are responsible for blood flow in the head. Chiropractors are specially trained in realigning the spine to eliminate these issues.

The Nantais family chiropractic experts have made a list of the different types of headaches and their symptoms.

  1. Migraines
  2. Tension headaches
  3. Cluster headaches


Dr Brian Nantais says that migraines can be the worst type of headaches. Migraines may or may not come without a warning. A warning can be getting an odd smell or seeing flashing lights. Not only does it cause a severe headache, migraines also cause vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to lights and sounds. At the end of the severe pain, you are drained of all energy. During a migraine, it can even cause your difficulty in speaking or lose vision partially.

The good news is, that migraines can be treated with chiropractic care. If you want treatment, contact Elevation Health in Canada.

Tension headaches:

When there is some problem in your scalp muscles, you may start experiencing tension headaches. It is one of the most common types of headaches. The symptoms include a pressure feeling at the back of the eyes, and a tender face, head and neck. It can also make you sensitive to lights and sounds. The causes of tension headaches can be stress, anxiety, dehydration, posture, insomnia, eye strain, etc.

Dr Brian Nantais says that tension headaches can be cured by chiropractic care.

Cluster headaches:

This type is not common but still very painful. It occurs due to problems with the nerves in the face. At a time, it happens in one part of the face. The symptoms of cluster headaches are paralysis, sweating and twitching sensations in the affected side of the face. It can also cause the eyes to be water, a runny nose, and a swollen eyelid.

If you face these symptoms, do not ignore it. Seek care with no medications, like chiropractic care. It will treat the root cause of the disease and benefit you from the inside.

Seek expert chiropractic care:

There are many more types of headaches that our expert chiropractors can treat. They will not only treat the symptoms, but also the disease as a whole. So, if you want chiropractic treatment in Canada, Elevation health is here to help you! Contact our experts Dr Brain Nantais and his team Nantais family chiropractic now for an overall healthy life free from headaches.

While having a headache, many people do not get that they have a post-traumatic headache. However, this type of headache can be worse with time. Let’s know from Dr Brian Nantais.

While having a headache, many people do not get that they have a post-traumatic headache. However, this type of headache can be worse with time. Let’s know from Dr Brian Nantais.

Many people suffer from several types of headaches. However, one of them is post-traumatic headaches. Let’s know about it in detail from Dr Brian Nantais.

Elevation Health can offer your headaches and migraines an effective treatment solution. With the help of chiropractic care, you will get relief even from your post-traumatic headaches.

All you need to know:

One of the most common headaches is the type of post-traumatic headaches. However, many people may suffer from post-traumatic headaches on a regular basis. According to Dr Brian Nantais, this type of headache mainly happens when the person has had a trauma in the past.

Therefore, it is essential for him to get recovered from the trauma at the earliest. Naturally, having a headache is very common in people and their lives. Yet, if your headache lasts for a long, then do not rush to have your conclusion about the type of headache.

Although the most common headache type is migraine, however, maybe you have been suffering from a post-traumatic headache.

Therefore, you must consult with a chiropractor. Visit us at Elevation Health and diagnose your headache type soon.

What is a post-traumatic headache:

When it comes to diagnosing your headache type, then you must be visiting a nearby clinic. However, the health expert will diagnose your headache type and prescribe you medicines.

Although medicines can give you a cure, however, you can visit a chiropractor too. At Nantais Family Chiropractic, many headaches patients visit to diagnose the type of their headache symptoms.

According to the experts at Nantais Family Chiropractic, a post-traumatic headache is the one that causes head injuries. Whether you get treatment for your head injury or not, this can happen.

Usually, if your headache returns within seven days of your head injury treatment, then it might be a post-traumatic headache. However, many people are usually unable to identify it as a post-traumatic headache because it feels like a migraine.

Along with this, some other people may have this pain like tension headaches. Therefore, it is essential for you to go through some tests and diagnose the headache type soon.

Common symptoms of post-traumatic headache:

According to Nantais Family Chiropractic, the basic symptoms of post-traumatic headache can be many. However, some of the common symptoms of a post-traumatic headache may include pain that pulses.

Although in the beginning, the pain may feel like a tension-type headache, mild in intensity. But with time, it can increase the intensity to moderate. Additionally, there can also be nausea and vomiting.

However, some people may also have dizziness as well as insomnia too. Along with this, symptoms like memory problems is very common here. Additionally, in some cases, the patient may feel too much sensitive to light or sound.

At Elevation Health, the patients who come to have their check-up for their regular headaches can get effective treatment. However, if you are suffering from post-traumatic headaches, visit us in Canada. Contact us to know more.

Many people suffer from different types of headaches these days. However, tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches. Dr Brian Nantais will share more details.

Many people suffer from different types of headaches these days. However, tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches. Dr Brian Nantais will share more details.

While having a headache, you may do not want to know which type your headache really belongs to. However, it might be a tension headache. Let’s know how you can identify it from Dr Brian Nantais.

At Elevation Health, headaches patients can find a treatment solution with the help of common chiropractic adjustments. You can get recovered from even your tension-type headache too.

All you need to know:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, having a tension headache is very common in many people. Tension headache or tension-type headache is commonly seen in people with excess stress.

However, we are prone to have much stress in our lives, mainly due to our workplaces and life struggles. Therefore, in today’s world, it is very hard to avoid having stress in life. Although tension or stress is beyond our control yet, you can control your tension headaches.

The tension headaches patients who visited Nantais Family Chiropractic mainly had a mild headache. However, this level of headaches can range from mild to moderate headaches that may cause the person pain.

Along with this, sometimes, if the person is unable to control his stress level, the headache even gets worse.

What is a tension-type headache:

The headache that we refer to as a tension-type headache or TTH in short. It is generally a common headache that is mainly caused for excess tension.

Although, with the growing level of stress, your headache level will also increase. However, there is always a chance to get a cure for your tension headache. Visit Elevation Health for getting a recovery treatment from your tension headaches.

When it comes to knowing your tension headaches, first, you need to realize that you are under stress or tension. Along with this, try to identify that is there a feeling like you are wearing a tight band around your head.

Therefore, if you feel this, then you can understand that you have a tension headache.

Nantais Family Chiropractic patients often ignored their mild symptoms of tension headaches. As a result, the pain became moderate, and they wanted to get treatment.

Therefore, try to find if your mind is under stress or you are going through hypertension or not. At that time, if you have this kind of headache, it may fall under tension-type headaches.

Treatment for your tension headaches:

Although the root causes for having a tension-type headache is beyond to know, you can always get a cure. At Nantais Family Chiropractic, health specialists emphasize more on having a healthy lifestyle.

Because researchers say that tension headaches are mainly caused by hypertension and stress. Therefore, if you can maintain a proper balance between your work and life, it will be helpful. Along with this, try to have meditations.

Therefore, as a result, your tension will be at ease, and you can prevent tension headaches.

At Elevation Health, people come to visit for their headaches treatment with chiropractic care. The chiropractors help them to recover from the tension-type headache too. Contact us to know more.

Migraine can be a result of typical causes. For your migraine pain, you can seek help in chiropractic care. Dr Brian Nantais will share some migraine information.

These days, suffering from migraine is a typical health issue for many. However, seeking help in chiropractic care can be extremely helpful. For this purpose, you must need headache treatment from a chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais.

Elevation Health is a renowned chiropractic center where different health issues can get treatment. For headaches or migraine attacks, consult the chiropractors here.

All you need to know:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, many patients visited the center of Nantais Family Chiropractic for migraine. The attacks of migraine is a typical health issue, especially during the weather change time.

However, migraine attacks can get a chance to recover from regular pain. If you can visit your nearby chiropractic wellness clinic and consult chiropractors, they can help.

Migraine is a health issue where the person having migraine may get affected by a severe headache. Additionally, the pain mainly affects inky one portion of the person’s head.

However, many times it happens that migraine pain circulates over the head. Therefore, if a person has pain in the morning at the right side of the head, at night, he might have pain at the left side of his head.

Typically, the typical duration of a migraine attack may last for more than two days, even till three to four days. Visit Elevation Health and get migraine treatment with chiropractic therapies.

Typical causes for having migraine:

A migraine attack is a common health problem because many people face migraine attacks these days. While one person is working with a lot of stress and strain on the eyes, this may lead to having migraine.

According to the chiropractors who treat migraine at Nantais Family Chiropractic, there may be two major causes. One of them is having excess mental stress and regular anxiety attack.

However, there may be some other underlying migraine causes like having previous trauma, hypertension, stress on eyes and brain etc. The major cause of migraine attacks can be a regular hectic routine in daily life.

Along with this, women are seen more prone to have migraine attacks than men. Therefore, it can be said that hormonal imbalance and stress in life can be major migraine factors.

Chiropractic care and migraine:

There are various types of headaches and migraine treatments available in this world. However, there is good news for migraine patients who do not want medicines for pain relief.

 However, pain killer medicines can be effective for migraine attacks for many people. Yet, it is not a good habit to take medicines for headaches or migraines.

Therefore, if you have regular migraine attacks, you can visit a chiropractic wellness center like Nantais Family Chiropractic. Because, in this treatment approach, the chiropractors will use some therapies.

There will be no certain need of taking pain remover medicines. Yet they will give you relief from regular migraine attacks.

At Elevation Health, chiropractic specialists can help you in getting relief from frequent migraine attacks. They will perform the necessary chiropractic adjustment and offer headache treatment in Canada. Contact us to know more.

The common causes of headaches can be many, depending on the types of headaches you experience. A chiropractor can relieve your pain with the best adjustment technique. Read on to know more.

Headaches are very common, and it causes serious throbbing, dull, or aching pain in your head or face. Medicines can give you short-term relief, but they cannot treat your complication from the root. If you want to cure headaches permanently, you can opt for chiropractic care for your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who treats your health complications through chiropractic adjustments. Using hands or instruments, he aligns your spine and other muscles with treating your headache.

Headache disturbs your regular life and is the reason for absenteeism from your work and school. It also affects your social and family life. If you struggle with your headache continually, it makes you anxious and depressed also. Chiropractic care has the right solution for your headache problem. Spinal manipulation is one of the treatment approaches performed by a chiropractor, which can give you relief from headaches. Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic for your health and get the right solution. 

The types of headaches:

You may be surprised to know that there are 150 types of headaches. They have two categories – primary and secondary headaches. 

Primary headaches:

These headaches are not caused by another medical condition. These headaches are:

  1. Cluster headaches
  2. Migraine
  3. New Daily Persistent Headache
  4. Tension Headache

Secondary Headaches:

These headaches are related to other medical conditions, such as:

  1. The disease of blood vessels
  2. Head injury
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Infections
  5. Medication overuse
  6. Sinus congestions
  7. Trauma
  8. Tumour

What causes headaches?

Headache occurs due to signals that interact among the brains, blood vessels, and surrounding nerves. When you experience a headache, an undefined mechanism activates specific nerves, which affects your muscles and blood vessels. It also sends pain signals to your brain. 

The causes of migraine:

Some studies reveal that migraine is caused due to the overreactions of nerve cells. The nerve sends impulses to blood vessels, which causes chemical changes in your brain. Migraine causes disabling pain. 

Some triggering factors of migraines and headaches:

  1. Alcohol use
  2. Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
  3. Depression
  4. Emotional stress
  5. Excessive medication use
  6. Poor posture
  7. Lighting
  8. Noise
  9. Weather changes

Nantais Family Chiropractic can offer you relief from headaches. With some adjustment techniques, chiropractors treat the complication really well. 

Different types of headaches:

Tension headache: It is the most common type of headache. You may experience consistent pain without throbbing. It generates pain in both sides of your headache, and the severity is mild to moderate. 

Migraine: It is also very common and causes moderate to severe pain. You will experience throbbing pain along with nausea or vomiting. Such pain lasts three to four hours and is very sensitive to light, noise, and odours.

Cluster headache: It is a severe type of primary headache. You may experience cluster headaches one or eight times a day as it comes in a group or cluster. You may suffer from this headache for three months. The pain is intense and causes a burning sensation, and you feel pain in the eye region. Nantais Family Chiropractic can treat your headache perfectly. Dr Brian Nantais offers the best chiropractic care for your health. He offers the best adjustment techniques to treat your health. Please visit us to know more.