If you opt for the best Chiropractic Treatment in Canada, Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Headaches can trigger people anytime and anywhere. Mostly they don’t last long, but the time they stay is enough to ruin the mood to do any constructive work. However, people who regularly face headaches may manage to work with it. Cluster headache is a kind of headache that also disturbs people with its annoying and unbearable pain in the head. However, Chiropractic Treatment can help to reduce headaches. Chiropractic Care has conventionally been used to treat illnesses like back pain. Still, studies have also examined how well it works to treat cluster headaches, a painful and incapacitating type. However, you must care for an expert like Dr Brian Nantais to get the best results.

If you opt for a Chiropractor Near Me in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He is an expert chiro and can offer top-notch care.

The following are some vital details regarding the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for cluster headaches:-

  1. Addressing underlying causes
  2. The approach that is non-invasive and drug-free
  3. Spinal Adjustments
  4. Muscular relaxation and tension relief
  5. Individualised treatment plans
  6. Collaboration 

Addressing underlying causes:

Chiropractic care aims to identify and treat the underlying causes of cluster headaches. According to chiropractors, spinal misalignments called subluxations can interfere with the normal transmission of nerve messages, resulting in various health issues, like headaches. Chiropractors strive to straighten the spine and restore healthy nervous system function by applying manual adjustments and other methods. 

The approach is non-invasive and drug-free:

Chiropractic care for cluster headaches has the benefit of providing a drug-free method of treatment that is also non-invasive. Chiropractic Treatment uses physical manipulation and therapy instead of drugs that could have negative side effects or other dangers to treat symptoms. People looking for holistic and natural therapy options may find this method appealing. 

Spinal Adjustments:

These are the main treatment technique for cluster headaches used by Chiropractors. In order to rectify misalignments, these adjustments entail delivering precise, controlled force to particular parts of the spine. By doing this, chiropractors hope to alleviate nerve pressure and enhance the nervous system’s general performance, which may help lessen the frequency and severity of cluster headaches. Always choose any expert and experienced chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health for effective spinal manipulation. 

Muscular relaxation and tension relief:

Muscle relaxation and alleviation from tension are frequently associated with cluster headaches, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Chiropractic care may also incorporate additional therapies, including massage, stretching exercises, and myofascial release methods to help relax and reduce tension in these muscles. Chiropractic treatment may ease cluster headache symptoms by treating muscle imbalances and easing muscular tightness. 

Individualised treatment plans:

Because chiropractors know that every patient is different and has specific needs, they customise their approach to treating cluster headaches. To create a tailored treatment plan, they consider the patient’s medical background, way of life, and particular headache triggers. Using an individualised strategy, the patient’s overall health and headaches’ underlying causes are addressed. 


Chiropractors frequently collaborate with other medical specialists like neurologists or family doctors to provide all-encompassing care for cluster headaches. This collaborative approach enables a multifaceted treatment plan that combines the advantages of chiropractic care with additional medical procedures when appropriate. 

Closing Words

While some people with cluster headaches may benefit from Chiropractic Care, it’s vital to remember that each person may respond differently to this type of treatment. Speaking with a certified healthcare practitioner before taking any treatment is always advised. You can consult Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic in this regard. He is an experienced chiro at Elevation Health.

There are certain remedies that can help treat headaches naturally says Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic.

Headaches are a common ailment that can significantly impact our daily lives. While over-the-counter painkillers are often the go-to solution, there are a few natural remedies to provide relief without the potential side effects. One of the highly recommended ones is getting Chiropractic Treatment and other therapies from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health, Canada.

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic explains that Chiropractic treatment can be effective in treating certain types of headaches, particularly those that are related to tension, muscle tension, or misalignments in the spine or neck. The Elevation Health experts focus on the relationship between the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, and the nervous system, and they believe that misalignments or dysfunctions in the spine can cause various health issues, including headaches.

In this blog, we will explore some effective ways to alleviate troublesome headaches naturally:-

  1. Stay Hydrated
  2. Identify Trigger Foods
  3. Manage Stress
  4. Get Sufficient Sleep
  5. Practice Relaxation Techniques
  6. Maintain Good Posture
  7. Limit Screen Time

Stay Hydrated:

You must make sure to have an adequate amount of liquids in your body since lack of water can be a cause of headaches. When the body does not possess enough moisture, the arteries in the brain can become constricted, leading to a headache. Make certain to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated.

Identify Trigger Foods:

Some foods and beverages, such as chocolate, caffeine, processed meats, and aged cheeses, can trigger headaches in susceptible individuals. Keep a food diary to identify any patterns between your diet and headache occurrence. Once you pinpoint the trigger foods, try to avoid or limit their consumption.

Manage Stress:

Stress is a significant contributor to headaches. Finding effective ways to reduce or manage stress can help prevent or alleviate headaches. Engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Regular exercise can also reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being.

Get Sufficient Sleep:

Getting a solid seven to eight hours of restful sleep each night is key to avoiding headaches. Set up a regular sleeping pattern, make sure your bedroom is comfortable, and turn off all electronics before you go to bed in order to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Practice Relaxation Techniques:

Experiment with different relaxation practices like progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or aromatherapy to discover which one works best for relieving headache pain. Consider using these techniques regularly in order to prevent headaches from occurring in the long run.

Maintain Good Posture:

Poor posture can strain your neck and shoulder muscles, leading to tension headaches. Pay attention to your posture, especially if you spend long hours sitting at a desk. Sit up straight, keep your shoulders relaxed, and ensure your computer screen is at eye level to maintain good posture.

Limit Screen Time:

Excessive screen time, whether from computers, smartphones, or tablets, can strain your eyes and contribute to headaches. Take regular breaks from screen usage, practice the 20-20-20 exercise (look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes), and adjust screen brightness to reduce eye strain.

Final Words

The above remedies can be applied with Chiropractic Treatment from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic in Canada to get the best results.

Want the best chiro care in Canada? Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health for top-quality treatment.

Frequent headaches bother us the most. There can be numerous reasons behind headache issues. But, you may wonder to hear that spinal misalignments can also be the underlying cause of headaches. Vertebral subluxation, commonly known as spinal misalignment, happens when the vertebrae in the spine move out of their natural alignment, putting pressure on the nerves and interfering with the regular transmission of information between the brain and the body. The relationship between the two is frequent because the nerves that govern the head and neck are located in the cervical spine, the higher region of the spine. Headaches can be a common indication of spinal misalignment. Chiropractic care from any expert chiro like Dr Brian Nantais helps to reduce headaches.  

Chiropractic techniques can ease headache issues, and many people got satisfactory results in consulting chiro care to treat headache issues. If you opt for Chiro care In Canada, then contact Elevation Health. Here you can consult Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic, an expert chiropractor who can provide you with top-notch services based on your needs and preferences. But before going for any treatment, you should clearly understand the connection between headaches and spinal misalignment.

Let’s learn about the connection by considering the following points in detail:-

  1. Nerve irritability
  2. Muscle tension
  3. Blood flow
  4. Posture
  5. Stress 

Nerve irritability:

The cervical spine’s vertebrae can go out of alignment, exerting pressure on the nerves that regulate the head and neck. Headaches may result from the irritation and inflammation of the nerves caused by this. 

Muscle tension:

Shoulder and neck muscle strain can also be brought on by spinal misalignment. Along with other symptoms like stiffness and soreness in the neck, this stress can also result in headaches.

Chiropractic care can effectively reduce headaches by addressing the underlying issues with care. People got noticeable results in treating headaches issues with chiropractic care. If you are also interested in chiropractic care for headaches, reach out to Elevation Health. Here you can contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is well-versed in this field and can offer you satisfactory results. 

Blood flow:

The cervical spine’s misalignments may impair blood flow to the brain. Along with other symptoms like dizziness and lightheadedness, a disruption in blood flow can result in headaches. 


Headaches and spinal misalignment are both caused by poor posture. We increase the pressure on the spine when we slouch or hunch over, which may result in misalignments. Along with other symptoms like back pain and weariness, this might cause headaches. 


Both spinal misalignment and headaches can be caused by stress. Stress causes us to keep tension in our muscles, which can cause the spine to be out of alignment. Stress can induce headaches directly, along with other symptoms like muscle tension and exhaustion. 

Ending Note

In conclusion, because the nerves that govern the head and neck are located in the cervical spine, there is a connection between spinal misalignment and headaches. This region of the spine’s misaligned vertebrae can irritate nerves, obstruct blood flow, and induce muscular tension, which can cause headaches. The frequency and intensity of headaches can be decreased by correcting spinal misalignment, lowering stress, and receiving chiropractic care. If you opt for the best chiropractic care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He can offer you the best treatment at Elevation Health.

Choose chiropractic treatment from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health to avoid harmful painkillers. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

What do you do to treat the pain when you suffer from headaches? Do you call a doctor or have a painkiller to ease the pain? We can bet that you may have taken several painkillers to comfort yourself from headaches. But is it really safe to consume those painkillers? You might be unaware that painkillers are not good for your health though these are widely used to treat headaches. It would be best if you choose a safe yet effective way to treat headache pain. Chiropractic is the best option if you are looking for one such way. Nantais Family Chiropractic offers the best chiropractic care in Canada. So whenever you need to consult a chiropractor for your headache, contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health.

Chiropractic is a different kind of approach to traditional medications. This treatment does not require painkillers or surgery and effectively treats headache-related pain. As you know how dangerous painkillers can be, you must think twice before taking them. Here are some well-discussed reasons why you must avoid using painkillers without limitation.

Let’s read this:-

  1. Overuse can cause rebound headaches
  2. Have side effects
  3. Mask underlying health conditions
  4. Can be habit-forming
  5. Unable to address underlying causes
  6. Interact with other medications

Overuse can cause rebound headaches:

When the painkillers wear off, you can get rebound headaches if you take them regularly or for a long time. It can result in a vicious cycle when the rebound headache is treated with more medicine, resulting in more rebound headaches. So, choosing a safe alternative like chiropractic from Nantais Family Chiropractic, Canada, will benefit your health.

Have side effects:

It is not unknown that all medications have potential side effects, and painkillers are no exception. Using such painkillers for a long time can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, and other health issues.

Mask underlying health conditions:

When you suffer from headaches, there must be some causes for that headache. But frequent use of painkillers can mask underlying health conditions that may be causing your headaches.

Can be habit-forming:

No matter the type of headache, some people swallow painkillers as they have gained this habit after using those medications for a long time. It can be harmful and lead to a cycle of overuse and dependence that can be difficult to break.

Unable to address underlying causes:

Well, painkillers can only address the symptoms of headaches and may not address the underlying causes of your headaches. If the root cause of your headache can not be treated, there is no meaning in using painkillers to alleviate pain temporarily. Here comes chiro care that can treat the underlying cause of your headache. Get it from a skilled chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health.

Interact with other medications:

If you are already under other medications and then take painkillers for your headache, there is a high chance that these painkillers can negatively react with the other medicines. Thus it can cause unwanted side effects or reduce the effectiveness of other medications.

Final thoughts

Painkillers can be helpful in managing headaches only if you use these appropriately and do not rely on them as the sole solution for headache relief. Want chiropractic to be your saviour? Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, today to ease your headache pain.

Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada advises to avoid certain foods to manage your headaches. For relief, contact us to get the best chiro care.

Although you may already be aware of typical headache triggers like stress, insufficient sleep, exercise, etc., did you know that some food may cause headaches? Yes, you read it right. Some foods can cause headaches, and you must avoid eating these foods to get relief from your headache-related pain. A renowned chiropractor in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, advises certain foods that can increase your headache pain.

Chiropractic has become a widely chosen treatment option in recent years, and proper chiro treatment can ease the pain and discomfort of headaches. Dietary care is a part of chiropractic care, and chiropractors do give importance to your diet that can ensure effective results of chiro treatment. So it is crucial to maintain a proper diet and avoid eating foods that can increase your headache pain. If you need help managing your headache, you can get the best chiro treatment from Nantais Family Chiropractic in Canada.

Without any further ado, now let’s get into the discussion about foods to avoid to manage headaches:-

  1. Excessive coffee
  2. Red wine
  3. Aged cheeses
  4. Chocolate
  5. Citrus fruits
  6. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  7. Processed and cured meats

Excessive coffee:

We’re aware that some of you are undoubtedly complaining as you read this, but studies have shown that drinking too much caffeine can lead to headache attacks. We are aware that a caffeine boost can occasionally feel like a lifeline, so if that’s the case, sip on it! But you must keep your daily intake to no more than two cups.

Red wine:

Alcoholic beverages are a frequent trigger of headaches; the blame goes on tyramine and histamine, the two substances found in alcohol. So the best chiropractor at Elevation Health, Dr Brian Nantais, recommends avoiding drinking alcohol, specifically red wine.

Aged cheeses:

This delicacy can also cause headache symptoms, which is terrible news for cheese lovers, and tyramine is once more to blame. As a result, you must avoid the most popular cheeses, including cheddar, feta, and mozzarella, if you suffer from headaches.


Who doesn’t love chocolate? But unfortunately, you might cut it off from your diet if you experience severe headaches.

Citrus fruits:

Eating a lot of fresh fruit is a great way to prevent headache attacks. But there may be better choices than citrus fruits. Although some claim that oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes cause headaches, this is not as frequently reported for these foods as for other items. To determine if eliminating certain fruits affects your migraines, try keeping track of them. Nantais Family Chiropractic advises avoiding citrus fruits if they are causing headaches.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG):

MSG is a flavour enhancer in many processed goods, including soups, spices, frozen or canned foods, snacks, and more. As many sufferers claim, MSG is more likely to cause headaches or migraines.

Processed and cured meats:

Cured and processed meats frequently include nitrites and nitrates, known as headache triggers. It is good if you can consume these products with limitations. Check the ingredients before leaving the grocery store with that pack of bacon or other processed meat.

Final words

To sum up, we can say that it is good to cut down on these foods to relieve headaches. If you suffer from unbearable pain, contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health for effective chiropractic treatment in Canada.