Why Should You Avoid Painkillers For Your Headaches?

What do you do to treat the pain when you suffer from headaches? Do you call a doctor or have a painkiller to ease the pain? We can bet that you may have taken several painkillers to comfort yourself from headaches. But is it really safe to consume those painkillers? You might be unaware that painkillers are not good for your health though these are widely used to treat headaches. It would be best if you choose a safe yet effective way to treat headache pain. Chiropractic is the best option if you are looking for one such way. Nantais Family Chiropractic offers the best chiropractic care in Canada. So whenever you need to consult a chiropractor for your headache, contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health.

Chiropractic is a different kind of approach to traditional medications. This treatment does not require painkillers or surgery and effectively treats headache-related pain. As you know how dangerous painkillers can be, you must think twice before taking them. Here are some well-discussed reasons why you must avoid using painkillers without limitation.

Let’s read this:-

  1. Overuse can cause rebound headaches
  2. Have side effects
  3. Mask underlying health conditions
  4. Can be habit-forming
  5. Unable to address underlying causes
  6. Interact with other medications

Overuse can cause rebound headaches:

When the painkillers wear off, you can get rebound headaches if you take them regularly or for a long time. It can result in a vicious cycle when the rebound headache is treated with more medicine, resulting in more rebound headaches. So, choosing a safe alternative like chiropractic from Nantais Family Chiropractic, Canada, will benefit your health.

Have side effects:

It is not unknown that all medications have potential side effects, and painkillers are no exception. Using such painkillers for a long time can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, and other health issues.

Mask underlying health conditions:

When you suffer from headaches, there must be some causes for that headache. But frequent use of painkillers can mask underlying health conditions that may be causing your headaches.

Can be habit-forming:

No matter the type of headache, some people swallow painkillers as they have gained this habit after using those medications for a long time. It can be harmful and lead to a cycle of overuse and dependence that can be difficult to break.

Unable to address underlying causes:

Well, painkillers can only address the symptoms of headaches and may not address the underlying causes of your headaches. If the root cause of your headache can not be treated, there is no meaning in using painkillers to alleviate pain temporarily. Here comes chiro care that can treat the underlying cause of your headache. Get it from a skilled chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health.

Interact with other medications:

If you are already under other medications and then take painkillers for your headache, there is a high chance that these painkillers can negatively react with the other medicines. Thus it can cause unwanted side effects or reduce the effectiveness of other medications.

Final thoughts

Painkillers can be helpful in managing headaches only if you use these appropriately and do not rely on them as the sole solution for headache relief. Want chiropractic to be your saviour? Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, today to ease your headache pain.