Can Headaches Turn Chronic If Neglected For A While?

Headaches are a common condition that most people experience at some point. They can range from mild to severe and can be caused by various factors such as stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, or even certain medical conditions. While headaches are generally considered a minor nuisance, they can sometimes become chronic if left untreated for a while. There are several people worldwide who suffer from chronic headaches. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats these patients daily.

If you suffer from chronic headaches, you must visit Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic. He uses Chiropractic Techniques to deliver relief and treat the underlying cause of the problem.

In this blog, we will explore how neglecting headaches can turn them chronic:-

  1. Understanding Chronic Headaches
  2. Neglecting Headaches Can Worsen Them
  3. Overusing Pain Medication Can Trigger Chronic Headaches
  4. Underlying Medical Conditions
  5. Lifestyle Factors
  6. Emotional Factors

Understanding Chronic Headaches:

Firstly, it’s essential to understand what chronic headaches are. Chronic headaches occur for more than 15 days a month for at least three months. They can be classified into two categories: primary chronic headaches and secondary chronic headaches.

An underlying medical condition, including chronic migraines, tension headaches, and new daily persistent headaches, do not cause primary chronic headaches. Secondary chronic headaches, on the other hand, are caused by an underlying medical condition, such as a brain tumour, infection, or head injury.

Neglecting Headaches Can Worsen Them:

If headaches are neglected and not treated properly, they can become more frequent and severe. For example, if you have tension headaches and neglect them, the tension in your neck and scalp muscles can worsen, leading to more headaches. Similarly, they can become more frequent and intense if you have migraines and neglect them.

Overusing Pain Medication Can Trigger Chronic Headaches:

Many people rely on pain medications to relieve their headaches, which can be a mistake. Overusing pain medication can trigger chronic headaches. This is known as a medication overuse headache (MOH) or rebound headache. MOH can occur when pain medication is used too frequently or in too high a dose, leading to a cycle of headaches and medication use.

Underlying Medical Conditions:

Sometimes, headaches can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. If this condition goes untreated, the headaches can become chronic. For example, a brain tumour can cause chronic headaches that worsen over time. Similarly, infections such as meningitis or encephalitis can cause chronic headaches. You must seek medical attention if you have severe, frequent headaches or other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, or seizures.

Lifestyle Factors:

Lifestyle factors such as stress, poor sleep habits, and poor diet can contribute to chronic headaches. Stress can cause tension headaches, while poor sleep habits can trigger migraines. Similarly, certain foods such as caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods can trigger headaches.

Emotional Factors:

Emotional factors such as anxiety and depression can also contribute to chronic headaches. Stressful life events or chronic stress can trigger headaches, and people with anxiety or depression are likelier to experience chronic headaches.

Final Words

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic can help you treat headaches before they turn chronic. Headaches will degrade your quality of life; therefore, seek proper treatment.