Is Your Migraine Causing Troubles To Your Day To Day Life?

Those who suffer from severe migraine often experience intolerable pain. Migraine is an extreme condition of headache. Doctors are still researching the exact cause of migraine. Primary studies indicate the cause is related to changes in the brain and to your genes. Women are more prone to getting affected by this condition whereas men get more severe migraines compared to women. Find out more about migraine on Elevation Health. Dr Brian Nantais is an expert professional who treats migraine patients  in Canada.

There are some commonly known triggers for migraine:

  1. Hormones: Women go through frequent hormonal changes when they are on their periods, pregnant, or ovulating. At these times, migraine pains are more common than other times. Symptoms can also aggravate during menopause, birth control pills etc.
  2. Stress: Stressed brain releases chemicals that alter blood vessels that might lead to a migraine.
  3. Foods: Foods and beverages such as aged cheese, alcohol, and processed food, monosodium glutamate (MSG) may trigger migraine.
  4. Skipping meals: Staying hungry for long or missing a  scheduled meal may cause migraine.
  5. Caffeine: If you are used to getting a certain amount of caffeine products daily, missing caffeine or getting too much of it can cause headaches. Caffeine even relieves acute migraine attacks.
  6. Weather: Storms, changes in air pressure, altitude can trigger a severe migraine.
  7. Senses: Too much noise, bright light, and strong odour can activate migraine.
  8. Medications: Some medicines have migraines as side effects.
  9. Tobacco products: Many lean towards smoke when they get a migraine but it only worses the condition.
  10. Sleep cycle: Change in your sleep cycle may aggravate migraine.

Some of the common troubles of a migraine patients are:

  1. Difficulty in concentration: In the fast paced life, we already have enough components that divert our attention. When migraine hits, the individual can barely put the mind off migraine and into any other task.
  2. Everyday tasks seem impossible: Cooking, cleaning , looking at a device all these tasks seem impossible because of the pain. Even eating is difficult because of the nausea.
  3. Light, Sound and Smell becomes intolerable: Strong smell, loud sound and bright light can knock out a migraine patient in case he has a prolonged exposure. Many migraine patients faint in bright daylight.
  4. Depression and anxiety: If someone suffers from migraine and loses his working capabilities, it might make him anxious about missing out on important events. Gradually it can also put the person in depression because of this constant pain.

If you are unable to do your day to day work, visit a chiropractor. At Nantais Family Chiropractic clinic, we shall do an extensive assessment of your migraine’s condition, triggers and plan a treatment to improve the pain. Find out more about migraine on Elevation health. 

Neurologists suggest that disturbance in brain’s blood flow and reduction in nerve cell activity are the prime causes of your migraine. Dr Brian Nantais uses muscle relaxing techniques that can release stress. Chiros also use spinal adjustment to improve overall functionality of the body. The tissues are relaxed and joint pains are reduced through chiropractic care. Nantais Family Chiropractic Clinic offers best migraine care in Tecumseh,Canada.